1. Deductive
2. Inductive
3. Deductive
Deductive research is a form of reasoning that stems from existing theories that can be tested. Data is collected to test a theory and the results are analyzed. The first and third scenarios are deductive research works because there are existing theories or data that can be worked on. In the first instance, data on issues of turnover already exist. In the third scenario, there were theories to explain gender differences.
Inductive research proposes a theory after observation. This is applicable in the second instance where the manager proposes the theory that relates distance to absenteeism after close observation.
The correct answer is letter "B": Centralization of authority.
Centralization of authority takes place in companies where high-rank executives take most or all the decisions regarding the operations. Employees voice is not heard under this approach. Managers tend to implement this strategy when they pretend to minimize the percentage of mistakes incurred in the firm. The organization of the company tends to be bureaucratic.
The answer would be C worker strikes due to cultural differences
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