James the Just, Peter, and John.
The southern slopes of the Himalaya receive more rain due to the south west monsoon winds which travel west along the southern slops. The northern slopes do not receive any such rainfall. So the southern slopes are covered with thick vegetation as compared to the northern slopes.
The district coordination committee is elected by the District Assembly, which consists of the Heads and Deputy Heads of all the rural municipalities and Mayors and Deputy Mayors of all the municipalities in the district.
All of the given practices can be effective in minimizing group harms.
Answer: Option E
As mentioned in the options, a collaborative review of the ongoing research by the Institutional Review Board can be taken from time to time during the course of the research to check whether the group of human samples is facing any adverse effects of the research or not.
A chalked plan promising the disclosure of the results of the research can also help in decreasing group harm. Moreover, consultation among the parties participated in research can also reduce the risk of group harm.