1. "I need to increase my fluid intake."
Iron medications can cause irritation in the stomach and dosctors recommend to take them between meals. They are also associated with constipation and thus the client should increase fluids and fiber in the diet to counteract this side effect. Third, iron medications should be taken with a substance that is high in vitamin C to increase its absorption. And last the tablet is swallowed whole and not chewed.
The main difference between diagnoses is that anorexia is a syndrome of self-starvation involving significant weight loss of 15 percent or more of ideal body weight, whereas patients with bulimia are, by definition, at normal weight or above.
Individuals with bulimia often do eat throughout their daily lives, however, it may be much less than the average person eat daily, or they may go long periods of time without eating anything (say 2-3 days), then binge eat. They also find themselves with the compulsive need to purposefully induce their gag reflex, causing them to throw up. Whereas people with anorexia simply do not eat or eat very little, and sometimes have the need to exercise excessively. Bulimic people may often appear very tired, with dark circles under the eyes, or their teeth may be very yellow or look unkempt (due to the throwing up). Anorexic people appear very skinny, some may seem almost "skeleton" like, they're typically short, and wear over-sized clothing to cover themselves.
Yes, because the game relays information.
The triceps are the extensor muscles of the elbow joint.