A Translation to other languages
In Judith Ortiz Cofer's "Gravity" the conflict between her mother and father is A. the mother wants to return to Puerto Rico, but the father is committed to staying in the United States. Elenita's mother is always talking about the family on the Island and longing to see them again. On the contrary, her father is constantly speaking about the restaurant owned by Reyes. He is constantly offering excuses for not going to Puerto Rico. After some years Elenita learns that her father was ashamed of not being able to provide them with the middle-class life her mother was used to in Puerto Rico, so he doesn't want to face her mother's family
Because the organization depends on how you will be making the essay because if you did order of importance than your central idea would most likely be developed in the beginning, but if it was like order of like same and difference then the central idea would be tough to put in you would have to put the central idea at the end to clarify why you did the order of same and difference.
You capitalize the all words in a title except prepositions (like on, in, the, of, for etc.). However, if title begins with "the" then capitalize it because it begins the title.
The point of view for this story is third person since the person narrating is not part of the story and there are “he”, “she”, and “they” outside of quotation marks.
“The Golden Touch!" exclaimed he”