Mes amies et moi AVONS faim
The conjugation for the verb AVOIR in french is
Je = ai
Tu = as
Il/Elle = a
On = a
Vous = avez
Nous = avons
Ils/Elles = ont
When you say mes amies et moi you are saying my friends and I which is Nous in french.
● 1
Tous ces verbes sont conjugués avec être. Changer est conjugué avec être ou avoir.
● 2
● 3
1. Canada has the longest coastline in the world
2. Maple syrup comes from Canada
3. Canada is the first country in the world to create a landing pad specifically for UFOs
4. Canada's two most professional spots are hockey and football
5. Lacrosse and curling are two iconic Canadian Sports but only have limited public appeal
1. 2: Leur - Les amis; is plural people.
2. 4: Te - Indirect form of toi is te.
3. 1: Lui - Our grandmother is the indirect object.
4. 3: Vous - Based on the first sentence, the addressed speaker is plural.
5. 3: Leur - His friends are plural people.
6. 1: Nous - She is giving the CD to us.
7. 2: Lui - My mother is the ind. pronoun.
8. 2: Me - He visits me this Summer.
9. 4: Leur - I give them a present.
Bonjour !
Verbs ending in -er belong to the first conjugation and form their present tense stem by losing the -er from the infinitive.
The present tense endings for -er verbs are: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent
1. Florence et Alima nagent. (nager)
2. Je joue au basket. (jouer)
3. Emile plonge dans la piscine. (plonger)
4. David et hugo jouent.(jouer)
5. Noémie nage.(nager)