This goal is rooted in the Mindfulness-based mental health approach and cognitive behavior therapy approach
Stuttering affects the fluency of the speech in which the flow of speech is characterized by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, due to emotional distress, neurological problems, low self-esteem, and so many more.
The cognitive behavior therapy approach is a psychological approach that relies on working to improving the individual thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, improving emotional regulation, self-esteem, that will decrease fear and reduce disruption to the act of communication.
The mindfulness-based mental health approach too can be applied to a wide range of psychological difficulties to manage the problems that occur as a result of stuttering.
she felt like a outsider in her new school
outsider means a person who doesn't belong to a family community or proffession game or anything
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C. I took this test before. Don't sweat it! As long as you read, and maybe have the book with you to help! I hope you do great!