It failed because the people who were indentured servants eventually ended their servitude and left to build their own families and farms. They were also more rebellious then the Africans who were imported from Africa. It wasn't worth it to take Europeans when Africans were better workers.
laws banning the manufacturer, sale, and consumption of alcohol
To help eliminate problems like criminal activity, binge drinking, drunk driving, deaths, and more
It was "Russia" that was the last to industrialize, since while most of nations were going through the industrialization process, Russia was in the middle of various uprisings that eventually led to the Civil War of 1917.
Those who examine the impact of the Holocaust on politics deal with the extent, depth, type, and dynamics of the impact but not with the impact itself. The impact itself is considered axiomatic because it is so sweeping and vast. Since the issue is so large and made up of so many overt and covert associations - direct and indirect, Jewish and pan-human, immediate and belated, ethical and practical - a general framework that presents and diagnoses the matter becomes, by nature, a telegraphic prologue to innumerable studies already carried out and yet to come.
I know that I know that anti-Semitism means views, actions or ,policies that discriminate against Semitic people which includes Jews as well as some Arab people