Respective sir,
I recently applied for admission in your High school and got selected for the arts and culture program. Although I am proud that a popular school like this gave me a chance with their auspicious program. I want to change my course to science and technology.
Sir, I have been a science geek since the beginning and that is area of interest as well as expertise.
My core version is the nano technology, which your school has he best faculty for. I am sure studying in your programmer of nano technology, I will be able to grow very fast.
find a credible source ex. medical site. something that has evidence and propaganda like news or newspapers and blogs .do not ever use that.
The conflict between Laocoon and the Trojans was that when
the Trojans saw the Greek ships leaving, they thought the war was over. When they saw the wooden horse, they thought
it was a gift and wanted to bring it inside Troy. Laocoon objected thinking it was a trick but
the Trojans disregarded his warning.
Laocoon insisted but Athena had two serpents from the sea attack him and
this enabled the Greeks to sneak in and conquer Troy.