Answer: The availability heuristic
Explanation: It is a phenomenon that can occur or be exploited as it is in this case, and is related to decision making. When making decisions, certain thoughts or images may emerge that will encourage a certain decision. As we make an important decision, many similar events or situations can spill over to the surface of our consciousness, and at that moment, encourage us to make exactly the decision we have made. That is why the availability heuristic is in fact a mental shortcut that facilitates decision making, because when making a decision, images and associations appear to us that are most similar to our situation at the time of making the decision.
It can, of course, be used, as in this case, when we want to encourage someone to make the decision that suits us, so at moment of his / her decision we remind them of the very pictures and situations that will, for example, help and encourage someone to buy expensive a homeowners insurance policy if s/he sees hurricane pictures and the like.
If a child is not considered responsible enough to decide if he can smoke or drink or vote - he cannot be held responsible for being responsible enough to decide bigger things.
It is scientifically proven that children, especially boys, do not have a fully mature brain when they are teens. Their brains don't work right yet!
The six pillars of character was coined by a nonpartisan group of youth development in the year 1992 as “core ethical values that transcend cultural, religious and socioeconomic differences”.
The Six Pillars of Character are: Trustworthiness; Respect; Responsibility; Fairness; Caring and Citizenship.
Of all the 6 pillars, trustworthiness, explains the state of being reliable. Which includes honest communications, not stealing, not CHEATING, not lying, being loyal etc.
Cheating in any form is not an act of trustworthiness. Therefore students who engage in cheating violates TRUSTWORTHINESS.
I assume that the context is story-telling and the high point refers to the high point of the story, or the one moment in which the decision is made that will influence the rest of the story: this is called climax (answer a).
The conflict might happen before the climax, and lead to it.
If someone falls off a cliff while looking at his phone would you do the same, NO because you just watched someone fall off a cliff because he was on his phone.