All living things are made up of cells. Cells are building blocks of life. Cells are the simplest level of organization. The structure of multicellular organisms are made up of many parts that are required for survival of organisms. The level of organization in multicellular organisms includes: cells, tissues, organs and organ system. The organization is necessary for the body of the organisms to function properly as a characteristic feature of living being.
Magnifying glass is a convex lens that is fitted in a microscope can be used to magnify the image of object under observation. A magnifying glass in a microscope can be used to magnify minute cells and small living creatures. All cells aggregate to form tissues. It can be used to see the arrangement of cells in a tissue specimen and small organelles like chloroplast, mitochondria, nucleus and others.
Therefore, observations under the magnifying glass support the idea of organization is one of the characteristics of life.
Animals get their energy by eating food. Some animals eat plants. These are called herbivores. They can also be known as primary consumers. Carp is a herbivorous fish.
Nutrition – being able to get energy out of food ... Plants get their energy from the sun. ... Some animals eat both plants ... Predators. Predators eat other animals. Sharks eat fish so they are.
It is estimated that the Precambrian Era lasted between 3.9 and 4 billion years. Many scientists believe that this era accounts for 90 percent of the world's history.