yes I do think Roosevelt's public criticisms of taft were justified
In order to avoid discomfort in the summer, the architect wants living areas protected from the sun in the afternoon.
The exposure of the human skins to the rays of the sun causes skin cancers. Acceptable range of exposure will not have harmful effects on the human skins. But over exposure can cause damages in skin, immune system and also eyes.
During summer the climate will be hot and precautions must be taken to avoid skin damages and other diseases that are caused by the sun light. It is very essential to have living areas that is to be protected from the sun during afternoon.
This is refered to as different types of acts, most of which are religion and magic in nature and followed by a sequence established by traditions. They are often tagged as consecrated behaviors.
The Rites of Passage
This can be refered to as any religious rituals that is the birth or mark of a ceremonial or important changes in individual status or social stand at different points or stages in the human life cycle. It involves making a transition from one phase of life to another phase of life.
Examples are birth, marriage or death.
There are three specific ritual phases. They are;
1. Separation
2. Transition, and
3. Integration
<span>It is challanged because Intermodal perception refers to the perception of something
or occasion that makes data accessible to at least two sensory systems at the
same time. Most things and occasions are multimodal in that they can be
experienced through different sense modalities and Piaget presented that
young infants do not possess the ability to coordinate sensory information from multiple sources.</span>