Answer: The words, "The white man and the red man cannot dwell in harmony together. Nature forbids it..if peace can be obtained only by the sword, let the sword do its work," were spoken by D. Mirabeau B. Lamar.
For example in New York, the Erie Canal was dug to connect Lake Erie in western NY to Hudson River in eastern side of NY.
Waterway built to allow ship travel vs. slower overland wagons etc.
classical conditioning that involves relaxation and a hierarchy of fear.
Systematic desensitization: In abnormal psychology, the term "systematic desensitization" is determined as a type of behavioral technique which is being used for the treatment of anxiety disorders, phobias, and fear by many of the therapist and psychologists.
In systematic desensitization, a person is generally being evolved in several "relaxation exercises and eventually, he or she is being exposed to an "anxiety-provoking stimulus" such as place, object, or situation.
<span>Manifest Destiny was the belief that United States was destined to expand from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific Ocean; it has also been used to advocate for or justify other territorial acquisitions</span>