Men didn't allow women to get as much education men. Women didn't like the fact that men got the chance to vote and they didn't. In the 1800's Men were sexist, it's wrong! Forever will it be wrong! I HATE SEXISM! EVERYONE ARE EQUAL MEN, WOMEN, BLACK, WHITE, JAPANESE, CHINESE, ASIA, AND SO FORTH. Literally everyone is equal. And I hate racism as well.
It undermines waste reduction strategies like reducing and reusing.
it depends on the state or country laws
in washington state it is true
All of the following are TRUE of the National Security Act of 1947 EXCEPT:
it created the C.I.A.
it created the N.S.C.
it created the N.S.A.
it has aided presidents in the development of foreign policy
it created the N.S.A
The National Security Act of 1947, is a US security Act, that established the National Security Council (N.S.C) and the Central Intelligence Agency(C.I.A), the U.S.'s first peacetime non-military intelligence agency, after world war II. It was a law which gives major restructuring of the United States government's military and intelligence agency.
However, the National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence