a method of sociological analysis that examines how individuals use everyday conversation and gestures to construct a common-sense view of the world.
The patient must exhibit symptoms
prior to age 7 years.
Ritalin may present brain risks to young people
undiagnosed with Attention deficit Disorder. While the drug improves attention
span in people diagnosed with ADHD, the drug may decrease working memory and
ability to shift attention from one thing to another in persons without ADHD.
The answer is: Murmuring ;)<span />
First one, third one, and fourth
Virreinato de Nueva España - incluía a los actuales México, Guatemala, Belice, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Cuba, República Dominicana y Puerto Rico.
Virreinato de la Nueva Granada - incluía a los actuales Panamá, Colombia, Venezuela y Ecuador.
Virreinato del Perú - Incluía a los actuales Perú, Bolivia y Chile.
Virreinato del Río de la Plata - Incluía a la actual Argentina, a Paraguay, y a Uruguay.