Asian Americans working in low-wage service jobs. Asian Americans are often stereotyped to be the "model minority" because they are viewed as highly educated and hold professional jobs.
One reason for the flowering of culture during the Renaissance was the growth of trade and commerce. Trade brought new ideas as well as goods into Europe. A bustling economy created prosperous cities and new classes of people who had the wealth to support art and learning.
One reason for the flowering of culture during the Renaissance was the growth of trade and commerce. Trade brought new ideas as well as goods into Europe. A bustling economy created prosperous cities and new classes of people who had the wealth to support art and learning.
Answer: Office of Management and budget assists the president in overseeing the federal budget planning and manages the operation of the departments in the Executive Branch. Some major Office of Management and budget functions are: Management and synchronisation of the recruitment, financial management, information and regulatory policies of the administration.
Explanation: I learned it on my social studies class.
Beacuse people during that time . Suffered from anxiety different chemical gases. harmful effect due to the lack of trained. And similarly the environment was also damaged which caused various effect
Answer:b) voluntary simplicity
What is voluntary simplicity?
Voluntary simplicity in simple terms is choosing to live a simple life without demanding too much materialistic things or riches of this world.
People adopt voluntary simplicity in order to make their lives to be as simple as they can be for them and their families as a result putting less stress on the environment as they demand less and less from it.
Voluntary simplicity discourages the idea of searching for happiness in wealth and the belief that one can be happier only if they have accumulated more materiaristic things of this world.
When people have chosen voluntary simplicity it reduces the demand they put on environmental resources which has a positive impact on the environment .
People who live this way believe we are free to have enough but not more than what we need.
Instead of looking for expensive goods, cars and big houses they choose simple life where one can own just one car( less pollution ) in an average house