As the amount of impervious paved surfaces increase, watersheds become more vulnerable to pollutants. When rains fall on a conventionally paved impervious surface, the precipitation is generally directed down storm drains, which can result in flooding and overwhelming the storm water management system.
Photosynthetic process
Cellulose, a tough, fibrous and water-insoluble polysaccharide in the cell walls of plants. It is the most abundant organic macromolecule on Earth and also the main component of a plants structure, conferring rigidity on the plants' cells.
Cellulose chains are arranged in microfibrils or bundles of polysaccharides arranged in fibrils which in turn make up the plant cell wall.
All plants are made up of polysaccharides, a very large sugar molecule made of hundreds or thousands of single sugar units (monosaccharide). Cellulose is composed of a long chain of at least 500 glucose molecules joined together by B-1,4- linkages.
Green plants create this simple sugar molecules (glucose) on their own through the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the chemical combination or fixation of C02 and water by the utilization of energy from the absorption of visible light. This glucose produced is a building carbohydrate that combines with other sugars to form the plant structure (as they make up part of cellulose) and store energy.
No one can see in total darkness. Fortunately, there’s almost always some light available. Even if it’s only dim starlight, that’s enough for your eyes to detect. What’s truly amazing is how little light is required for you to see.
Human eyes have two main features that help us see better in low light: the pupil’s ability to change size, and the eye’s two types of light-sensing cells.
Opening up to let in more light
Your pupils are the black areas at the front of your eyes that let light enter. They look black because the light that reaches them is absorbed inside the eyeball. It’s then converted by your brain into your perceptions of the world.
You’ve probably noticed that pupils can change size in response to light. Outside on a bright sunny day, your pupils become very small. This lets less light into the eye since there’s plenty available
Test Variable (independent variable)
X is always the independent variable/time. Test grades is dependent because it's the outcome. Trust me I took the test.