Scientists can use the color of minerals to tell them apart.
Idiochromatic minerals <em>(self-colored) </em>due to their composition. The color is constant and predictable.
Allochromatic minerals <em>(other colored) </em>due to trace impurities or defects in their structure. The color is variable and unpredictable.
Pseudochromatic minerals <em>(false colored)</em> due to effects produced by light. The color is variable but a unique property of the mineral.
Source: Places where infectious agents (germs) live (e.g., sinks, surfaces, human skin)
Susceptible Person with a way for germs to enter the body
Transmission: a way germs are moved to the susceptible persont
The correct answer would be, Brandon's example illustrates Narcissism.
Narcissism basically defines a person who is Self Centered, in a greater need of admiration, self loved, self admiration, self absorption, self obsession and pride. A narcissist thinks himself to be the best among all, he thinks himself like a person, to whom everyone is dying to talk and to have friendship with. He is generally an arrogant person who has a pride in himself of being so attractive and good looking that people will fall for him at once. Narcissists have lack of empathy and are very demanding. So just like in this case, Brandon thinks that he is the great guy and is smart and good looking that every girl will fall for him and would consider herself lucky being her girlfriend. His such type of behavior is the example of Narcissist behavior.