Enzyme may work if in it's optimum pH if the pH didn't match with the enzyme's pH, the enzyme will break down.
Enzyme will break down if the temperature so high it's called denaturation.
There are many types of natural selection like direct selection, disruptive selection and stabilizing selection.
The situation given is that a population of mice lives in a city. The largest mice tend to be killed by predators and the smallest mice cannot compete for food.
The type of selection here is stabilizing selection. It is a type of natural selection in which there is decrease in genetic diversity as the population stabilizes.
I'm guesssing it's B? I did this a very long time ago( two weeks ago)
Most divergent plate boundaries are underwater and form submarine mountain ranges called oceanic spreading ridges. While the process of forming these mountain ranges is volcanic, volcanoes and earthquakes along oceanic spreading ridges are not as violent as they are at convergent plate boundaries.
B. No
First, let's watch what it looks like when a population is not evolving. If a population is in a state called Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the frequencies of alleles, or gene versions, and genotypes, or sets of alleles, in that population will stay the same over generations (and will also satisfy the Hardy-Weinberg equation). Formally, evolution is a change in allele frequencies in a population over a very long period of time, so a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is not evolving.