Answer: Pulmonary veins
Highly oxygenated blood returning from the pulmonary capillaries in the lungs passes through a series of vessels that join together to form the pulmonary veins—the only post-natal veins in the body that carry highly oxygenated blood. The pulmonary veins conduct blood into the left atrium, which pumps the blood into the left ventricle, which in turn pumps oxygenated blood into the aorta and on to the many branches of the systemic circuit.
In this case, oxygen and nutrients exit the systemic capillaries to be used by the cells in their metabolic processes, and carbon dioxide and waste products will enter the blood.
Overlap happens when both speakers speak at the same time without any of them giving up the floor.
Turn-taking is when a. conversation is. carried out without overlap. Here both the speaker and the listener takes turn to say what they have in mind.
Here, one is the speaker when he is speaking, once He is done and the other person takes over the discussion, He becomes the listener.
This is to facilitate an agreeable level of communication where both parties get to hear the other person out and understand their point of view.
Adults need to encourage turn-taking in children to enable them learn the difference between the speaker and listener.
The speaker of the house is in front of the house of representatives. She usually does not preside over the debates personally, instead she delegates this function to another member of the majority party´s chamber. In addition to presiding over the chamber, she has administrative and procedural functions and remains a Representative of his own district.
It occupies second place in the line of presidential succession, after vice presidency of the United States, which also assumes <em>ex officio </em>the presidency <em>pro tempore </em>of the senate. It is a similar charge to the election of a prime minister in a parliamentary regime.
News and certain sources that are popular have a monopoly or mediaopoly. They report one same side and do not show the other side of the story. This means that they are perhaps lying or covering something up to a whole world.