The encomienda system put Native Americans in mines for gold sending it back to Spain making them the richest country in Europe.
because he took what he new about the old world music he grew up to and added a special twist that provided his audience with a thrill to remember his music was strong and striking and at the same time being soft and gently all in one song his music was so full of contradictions it in itself was a contradiction
We can conclude that the co2 concentration will go up in 2015 and in late 2016 it will start to fall.
By looking at graphed points before 2015 we can see that the co2 concentrations rise even higher about every two years, but then start to go down.
i am pretty sure the answer is C
Adams and Jefferson represented two different visions of what the United States of America should look like. Whereas Adams and his fellow Federalists, including George Washington, envisioned a strong central government and a thriving manufacturing sector centered in the cities, Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans espoused an agrarian ideal, rooted in the republican virtues of the independent small farmer. The election of 1800 was fiercely contested and facilitated the rise of the two-party system and bitter partisanship.
Upon entering office, Jefferson focused on reducing the national debt he had inherited from his predecessors. His administration lowered excise taxes while slashing government spending. Additionally, the Jefferson administration reduced the size of the Navy, ultimately bringing the national debt down from $83 to $57 million. Foreign developments, however, including the intensification of piracy along the Barbary Coast, would necessitate the rebuilding of the Navy and its establishment as a permanent part of the US government.