Answer: Earth's rotation
Explanation: As the earth rotates around its own axis and revolves around the Sun different parts of the earth get different times and different seasons when it's winter in the northern hemisphere it's summer in the southern hemisphere
May fifth, 1789. This was when an event called the French revolution started. This event was essentially people who found their government unfair, and took it down. This lead to the death of thousands of people, a civil war amongst the people, and allowed for a tyrant known as Napoleon to take control. Fast forward to the events today; thousands of people stormed the white house raided the government because they felt it was unjust. The pattern of another countries darkest times are repeating here in the U.S. So, yes, this was a threat to our democracy, but it goes beyond that; this raid was a threat to America itself,
My answer is B. highest to the lowest.
In organizations especially in the military, the one who gives the order usually comes from the top position. It is transferred from the next to the highest position and passed until it reaches the lowest in rank.
"Vouchers in higher education do not improve our public schools and colleges, because experiments show us that education vouchers divert much-needed public funds for the few and have weakened the entire system."