C. Spirits.
<em>DANFORTH: These will be sufficient. Sit you down, children. (Silently they sit.) Your friend, Mary Warren, has given us a deposition. In which she swears that she never saw familiar spirits, apparitions, nor any manifest of the Devil. She claims as well that none of you have not seen these things either. (Slight pause.) Now, children, this is a court of law. The law, based upon the Bible, and the Bible, writ by Almighty God, forbid the practice of witchcraft, and describe death as the penalty thereof. But likewise, children, the law and Bible d*mn all bearers of false witness. (Slight pause.) Now then. It does not escape me that this deposition may be devised to blind us; it may well be that Mary Warren has been conquered by Satan, who sends her here to distract our sacred purpose. If so, her neck will break for it. But if she speak true, I bid you now drop your guile and confess your pretense, for a quick confession will go easier with you. (Pause.) Abigail Williams, rise. (Abigail slowly rises.) Is there any truth in this?</em>
Hey, hows this so far
I was sitting on the carpet floor, in front of the TV, with crumbs on my cheeks and a half-eaten, chocolate chip cookie in my little hands. A pile of toys surrounded me and nearby my aunt rested in a rocking chair snoring gently, while the clocked ticked by, counting the seconds until my baby brother's birth. At the time, of course, I had no idea there would be another tiny human invading my parents' attention. So there I was awaiting the arrival of my family, not a care in the world, other than sneaking more cookies from the cookie jar. In my toddler mind I knew something special was going to happen, a "surprise", my mother told me as i hugged her before she left that day. I noticed her tummy was very big and there was something moving in it.
Expository informs or explains, uses a topic sentence and supporting details.
Narrative tells a story, uses spatial order. Descriptive paints a picture with words, uses chronological order.
What’s going right with education at the moment is, online has work that isn’t so hard. However, it’s easier to learn in person for most people.
Then the variable starts with a lowercase letter and any subsequent word that begins with an uppercase letter, this is called CamelCase. It is frequently used in computer programming languages as a name convention for variables, arrays, and other objects. It refers to a compound term using capital letters to delimit the word portions.
When a compound word or phrase has no spaces or punctuation, it is said to be in camel case. Instead, a lowercase or uppercase letter is used to denote each distinct word. Many businesses utilise camel case in their names or for their systems and products.
A variable that utilise CamelCase is, for instance, $MyVariable. Camel case is known formally as "medial capitals." Jacob Berzelius, a Swedish scientist, developed it in 1813 to simplify the writing and identification of compounds, which up until that point required the use of multiple naming and symbol systems. It is also referred to as bicapitalization, InterCaps, medial capitals, and Pascal case.
Many languages utilise the camel case for a variety of reasons. Additionally, several acronyms and abbreviations use. Apple is one company that frequently uses camel case in its hardware and software.
Learn more about language here https://brainly.in/question/1219432