When writers punctuate subordinating clauses like sentences, they create fragments. Examples: If that's what you want. Until we meet again.
Patients are not easy to get but they are worth it
Negative statements are the opposite of affirmative statements. In English, one way to make negative statements is by adding negative prefixes to nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Here are some English negative prefixes: a–, dis–, il–, im–, in-, ir–, non–, un–.
2) Before you eat the sandwich, please cut it in half.
4) When we are ready to leave, we will send you a text message.
5) If she starts to get warm, Janna will turn on the air conditioner.
A complex sentence is that sentence which has one or more independent clauses and is separated by a comma or conjunction.
Therefore, the examples of complex sentences from the given options are option 2, 4 and 5.
Spectral means of or like a ghost.