Because identical twins begin as a single fertilized egg that then separates, identical twins share 100 percent of genetic makeup.
Identical twins are a type of twins characterized by their phenotypic similarity. They look so much alike that they are almost morphologically indistinguishable.
Their similarity emanates from their genetic content. Identical twins are formed when two sperms fertilize a single egg, which then splits into two.
Since identical twins begin as a single fertilized egg that then separates, this means that they share 100% of their genetic makeup.
Learn more about identical twins at:
One gram of protein has 4Kcal of calories. Proteins should represent between 10 and 15% of daily energy intake. An adult needs daily 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, athletes, and older adults need a little more protein.
A. rust because rust is the only chemical weathering listed in the answers that i know of
Hope this helps!!!!!!!!
Option (B).
Peyer's patches are the small masses of aggregated small lymphatic tissues and provide immunity to an organism. Peyer patches are discovered by the scientiest Johannan Cornard Peyer.
Peyer's patches are located in the ileum region of small intestine. These patches control the growth of harmful bacteria and regulates the growth of intestine bacteria. T
Thus, the correct answer is option (B).