One of the causes of the Black death was the involvment of traders and merchants coming from sea and bringing the disease with them. It soread easily due to poor hygiene at the time and not so great medical practices. It killed around 50% of Europes population and and had around a 99-100% fatality rate. It originated in China, but again, it was brought to europe by traders.
The great famine was caused by a disease that destroyed the potato crop which happened to be one of the more available foods at the time. About a million died in result of this and people began to leave Ireland immigrating to places such as the us, australia, britain or canada.
B. Fair state representation in the national Congress
El concepto moderno de imperialismo es la práctica de dominación llevada a cabo por naciones con mayor poder económico, potencial y militar, con el objetivo de ampliar sus influencias sobre naciones menos desarrolladas
Explanation:El término es discutido, ya que algunos opinan que no hay tal imperialismo,otros que existe pero de forma benévola y otros que existe en deterioro de los países dominados.
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During the 1950s and 1960s, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dominated various European nations using mainly its military influence and power: it invested in coups and seizures by force.