Nobody knew where they were. Nobody had an idea as to when they disappeared. Everyone was worried that they had been kidnapped by someone evil. Leo, Carlos, and Zealand have been reported missing since las saturday but nobody knows for sure when they disappeared. The police made search parties to help find them. Many suspected that they went too deep into the forest and got lost. A woman, in her late 70's told the policemen that anyone who goes too deep in the forest at night, never gets found. The policemen didn't listen to her, because everyone knew her as "Crazy Maylie". Something they didnt know that I knew was that for once, she was right. the stories have it that anyone who dares roam too deep into the lakewood forest after 12am, never make it out. I being who I am, decided to test the theory. I packed 3 puddings, vanilla flavored. I packed a sandwich, a galon of water and a whistle, in case I was lost. At 1:26 in the morning, I started to head into the Lakewood forest. I walked, in complete darkness. Only the moon provided a bit of light. My phone lost signal and my flashlight wouldnt turn on after I reached a certain depth of the forest. My mom must have found out by now that im missing. But I didn't care. I wanted to be the hero and save my friends.
No she wasn’t aware and she did what she could
Julie Edwards Miyax Kapugen, known in her village as Miyax, is a fierce, adventurous Eskimo* girl who makes an unlikely friendship with a pack of Arctic wolves. She journeys to San Francisco to meet her friend, and beloved pen pal, Amy*.
*I believe the pen pal is Amy, not 100% sure though.
Amaroq, a feisty and mighty leader of the Arctic wolf pack, makes friends with an Eskimo* girl, and protects her throughout her journey to San Francisco.
*is she Eskimo or Inuit? I read something saying she was Inuit, but I'm not sure what you should write*
Hope this helps.
I’m so confused. what am i answering