Intensity is the brightness of a color. When a color is not mixed with any black or white it is at full intensity; Also called a pure hue. You can also change the intensity of a color by adding its complimentary color.
Hope this helps
The most common was is your phone
Answer: C
That way she can have slides for her advance class and leave out slides that her normal class doesn’t need
Word-processing software includes basic applications designed for casual business or home users and powerful, advanced applications capable of meeting the most-demanding needs of businesses. Many word-processing applications are designed for use as part of a suite or integrated group of word-processing, spreadsheet, and presentation programs
Thank you for this question. The answer is that an Ip adress stands fo Internet Protocol which acts like a home adress. Bascily it helps you find a node in a network as the IP adress is made of letters and numbers separated by a full stop. I hope you are happy