c. is a biotic factor within an ecosystem
Genetic Drift are the changes in allele frequency of a population that result from RANDOM survival or reproduction of individuals with certain characteristics. Survival or reproduction of those individuals in the face of some environmental change is a matter of LUCK or CHANCE, not because of their phenotype or genotype.
While in Natural selection, the environmental events that affect a population are likely random, but the survival or reproduction of the individuals depends on their phenotypes and genotypes.
Meanwhile, Gene flow is the movement of genes into or out of a population. Low gen flow can lead to low genetic diversity.
Low population which can cause low genetic diversity, poor habitat conditions and habitat loss, road deaths, and commercial development in panther range are constant threats to the Florida Panther's survival.
All these causes are related and therefore affects the Florida Panther.
Ice is less densw than water (a)
The substances which are less dense than water float on water
Cohesion. Cohesion is the property of water that attracts other water molecules so they can stick together. Water is sticky because it has positive and negative charge in the oxygen and hydrogen ends that attracts one water molecule to another. Adhesion is also a property of water that attracts it from other substances, making it easy for water to travel upwards through transpiration.
Seafloor spreading occurs when two plates diverge