Water has been a source of electricity to people
Water has brought development in America.
In statistics, extrapolation refers to making an estimate on the future value or behavior of a certain variable based on the current available data. However, extrapolation is subject to a great degree of uncertainty, as it's impossible to account for all the possible variables in the present, and it's next to impossible to know what new variables will affect our calculations in the future. Weather forecasts in particular is an area where errors in the forecasts are very common. This is because making completely accurate predictions is still not possible, mostly because the weather can be affected by countless variables that can't be all measured or accounted for when making a forecast. However, while wrong forecasts can make people angry, forecasters and civil defense authorities have to err on the side of caution. It is better to deal with some people being angry at an unnecessary evacuation, than having people risking their lives in an area affected by a hurricane.
Answer: agriculture/agribusiness and renewable natural resources are used to refer to a broad range of activities in AGRICULTURE
Explanation: Agriculture is defined as the cultivation of land, harvesting of crops, rearing of animals and management of livestock.
Agribusiness are large corporations connected to agriculture, either owning or operating large scale farms, or catering to those who do.
Renewable natural resources are resources that can be used over and over again and are replaced naturally. Examples are solar, wind energy biogas etc.
Some branches of Agriculture include agricultural economics, agricultural Chemistry, agronomy, horticulture etc.
Answer:Improvisation Performance
Improvisation Performance is a spontaneous activity done by using any available resources or tools found at a particular time to do something that was initially planned 0r prepared for. To give a good toast, John drew inspiration from the groom's father's toast when being called out of the blues which he was not prepared for. Giving the toast with the resource available at hand is called improvisation.
The problem identified in the passage above is lack of suitable, up to date print reference materials in the school library and acute shortage of computer systems for students' use. The lack of necessary library resources is very frustrating for the students and is affecting their grades negatively.