If thymidine dimers created by UV irradiation persist until DNA replication, DNA polymerase is likely to make a mistake reading
If thymidine dimers created by UV irradiation persist until \rm DNA replication, \rm DNA polymerase is likely to make a mistake reading blank and insert blank on the complementary strand. The altered sequence on the newly synthesized strand blank during the next round, or replication, thus creating blank. and insert If thymidine dimers created by UV irradiation persist until \rm DNA replication, \rm DNA polymerase is likely to make a mistake reading blank and insert blank on the complementary strand. The altered sequence on the newly synthesized strand blank during the next round, or replication, thus creating blank. on the complementary strand. The altered sequence on the newly synthesized strand If thymidine dimers created by UV irradiation persist until \rm DNA replication, \rm DNA polymerase is likely to make a mistake reading blank and insert blank on the complementary strand. The altered sequence on the newly synthesized strand blank during the next round, or replication, thus creating blank. during the next round, or replication, thus creating
Thymidine dimers is likely to be repair as soon as it is originated but if left unrepaired then it causes frame shift mutations.
In case of Bacterium if UV irradiation induces covalent linkage of two thymidine present adjacently to each other or on a single strand to make thymidine dimers.
These either excised via DNA repair enzyme like Endonuclease V and the proof reading activity of DNA polymerase I enzyme help in incorporation of nucleotide by taking the unmutated original strand as a template.
These dimers if not excised before second round of replication than the sequence of newly synthesized strand will be altered. As DNA polymerase III enzyme read thymidine dimers as single thymidine nucleotide and incorporate only 1 adenine in the newly synthesizing complementary strand which results in frame shift mutations
It is the mutation in which reading frame of codons is shifted or altered due to deletion or addition of a single nucleotide.
A bacteriophage is an infection that attacks bacteria. At the point when the tail strands identify an objective host the bacteriophage to the cell, injected its DNA, and utilizations the microscopic organisms' apparatus to reproduce.<em></em>
<em>T4 is a sort of bacteriophage that infects of E. coli. </em>
The bacteriophage T4 capsid is a prolonged icosahedron,120 nm long and 86 nm wide, and is worked with three essential proteins such as gp23*, which shapes the hexagonal capsid cross section, <em>gp24*, </em>which structures pentamers at eleven of the twelve vertices.
<em>gp20, </em>which frames the extraordinary dodecameric entry vertex through which DNA.
T4 DNA Ligase is ligation catalyst which utilized the parts of DNA by the catalyzing between <em>compared 5'phosphate and 3' hydroxyl ends</em> and phosphodiester bonds in the double stranded DNA utilizing ATP as a coenzyme.
During the process of photosynthesis, cells use carbon dioxide and energy from the Sun to make sugar molecules and oxygen. These sugar molecules are the basis for more complex molecules made by the photosynthetic cell, such as glucose.