The socket which Intel recommends that one should use with a liquid cooling system is LGA 2011. LGA 2011, also known as socket R is a CPU socket manufactured by Intel. It was released into the market in November 2011 and it replaced LGA 1366 and LGA 1567 in the performance and high end desk tops and server platforms. Socket R has 2011 pins that touch contact points on the underside of the processor.
Related Articles. Scanner is a class in java. util package used for obtaining the input of the primitive types like int, double, etc. and strings.
The second generation of home consoles occurred from (1976-1988) at this time the most popular and consoled regarded as best was the Atari 2600
In psuedocode it would be:
length = input()
width = input()
area = length * width
print(area + " sq ft");