thers nothing how am i spost to help you
South Africa is facing significant income and wealth inequality. The expectation was, after 1994, that something will improve. Only other thing that's different, though, is the oppressor's colour. There are almost as many powerful black people today as there are white folks. This seems to be a positive idea, on the surface of it. The truth isn't so sweet, though. The rich black community is not the impact of international prosperity, but has actually displaced thousands of potential South Africans who may have relocated to several other nations.
Seeing an issue that needs to be reformed and waiting to see if the government will notice.
Voting is important because it helps decide who runs the government, . It allows citizens to choose their representatives. Voting also helps to decide if local referendums pass, such as new taxes or education reforms. Registering hos vote during an election is a major responsibility of the voter.
He must not get biased and influenced by any factor that supports or opposes his views. Absentee ballot should also be used, if the voter had absented himself during voting based on any genuine reason and their votes must also be considered. personal information of the voters in different local zones have to updated so that fake voting could be avoided.
D. no sharp line exists between what is normal and abnormal.
The continuum model of normality suggests that normal to abnormal behavior falls along a continuum, hence there is no clear cut difference between what is abnormal and normal. Determining what is normal or abnormal is usually based on subjective judgement. In other words, abnormality and normality are not perceptively different.
Someone can consider an act abnormal based on culture and that same act may be considered normal in another culture.