The correct answer is "shame".
Rampage killers often have feelings of shame, which is why they use that shame and bring it out in their rampages, wherein they convert that feeling of shame into pride, when they've started to kill or hurt people.
The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28, 1830, by United States President Andrew Jackson. The law authorized the president to negotiate with southern Native American tribes for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for white settlement of their ancestral lands.
The answer is terracotta. Terracotta is a type of earth ware which is made of clay glaze or unglaze ceramic in where the fired body is being porous. The term is known as natural brown orange color yet would vary considerably.
A Bedouin is a member of the Arabic community that does not live a settled live, but instead has a nomadic lifestyle, traveling from one place to another. Bedouins live in Northern Africa and Middle east, mostly in Sudan, but also in many other countries, such as Algeria and Saudi Arabia.
D. post-traumatic stress disorder
PTSD is <em>a disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event</em>.
Some symptoms of this disorder are having nightmares about the event, and avoiding situations that could trigger memories of the event. Sandra has those symptoms! More symptoms of PTSD she has is heightened reactions (she flinches when going through intersections) and anxiety (she's anxious when driving).