This timeline shows the leaders of the Soviet Union and when they ruled starting with Kerensky, the head of the Provisional Government, and ending with Gorbachev in 1991 when the Russian Republic was formed.
Tribes have formally organized institutions that unite scattered communities.
Band is usually a small group in which the members are related to each other is one way or another. On the other hand, a tribe is usually a large group with over 50 people an comprises of more than one bands. A tribe has a formal council or other form of leadership that constitutes of the elders from different bands. Tribes are often based on common political, cultural, religious or language grounds. Based on the definitions of band and tribe, it can be seen that only the option stating tribes have formally organized institutions (meaning a council or more than one councils for domestic and warfare maters) that unite scattered communities (multiple bands) is actually correct.
Answer A. International trade
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Chocolate (Independent variable)
The independent variable is manipulative. The experimenter can manipulate it. It produces one or more results in a study called the dependent variable. It is called the independent variable because its variation doesn't depend on another variable in an experiment. The independent variable can be controlled or manipulated only by the researcher or experimenter.
For example:
Amount of water and fertilizer provide a tree. Water and fertilizer is an (independent variable) which can be manipulated by the experimenter.
Result: Height of the tree depends on water and fertilizer quantity (dependent variable) which can not be manipulated by researcher.