The most prominent American monument that reflects the influence of Roman sculpture and or architecture is actually The White House which represents many features that we get from Roman architectury, especially such traits as columns that are still popular nowadays.Romans were the first who employed democratic style of government and they were role model that lead us to creation of a government like that one we have today.
Yes, it is very much true that almost every culture has its own values, ethical paradigms, religion, practices, rituals, norms, educational systems, language and behavioral patterns, but somehow or other they are similar in the basic patterns but with varying intensity. Every culture will have a particular religion which they follow, every culture have a language and rituals, but different cultures have different set of these dimensions and domains. In every culture, men and women live together in some kind of form and arrangements, where some give it legal and religion status as well, whereas, as in some culture living together is more important than any other rule or regulation but pattern of living life is the same. Why this is so, because we are all human beings and we have almost the same needs, state of felt deprivation, we all want to eat something, but we differ when it comes to wants. In some culture, if you are hungry, you can eat pizza, while in some other culture you eat Chicken tikka masala. Difference comes in terms of shape of the rules, but rules are same, you eat, wither it could be pizza or chicken tikka masala.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God is Second-Person point of view
Whose shoes are these in the middle of the kitchen floor? would be the correct way to state this question.