How did the second wave of feminism affect society? Second-wave feminism radically transformed medical research and services, sports, education, family life, the professions, law, popular culture, literature and the performing arts, social work, international development thinking, and even religion, and made possible the gay liberation movement.
They bring to the discussion important perspectives taught by third wave feminism. Even feminism also have some negative effect on the society. After all, women have the opportunity to work, education, voice, social life, leader and the Feminism still continuous. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.
The Greek word aphros means “foam,” and Hesiod relates in his Theogony that Aphrodite was born from the white foam produced by the severed genitals of Uranus (Heaven), after his son Cronus threw them into the sea.
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Fear was a big role in the witch hunts. People believed they would be judged by God if they did not rid themselves of witches