Environmental science addresses recycling strategy so we utilize our natural resources efficiently. It also provides us with knowledge on how to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle
It is important for scientists to remain open minded about information that they come across in their experiments, so that they do not become biased about the result. it can always happen that the results that come out are contrary to what the scientist expected. It is important to openly accept that the scientists prediction was wrong.
The circulatory system circulates the blood to the whole body.
The respiratory system brings oxygen to the blood, and the circulatory system circulates the oxygenated blood to the cells.
1. Merocrine
2. Holocrine
Merocrine glands are the exocrine glands that synthesize their secretions on ribosomes attached to rough ER. These secretions are packaged by the Golgi complex into the secretory vesicles and are released from the cell via exocytosis. Tear glands, salivary glands are some examples of merocrine glands.
The cells of holocrine glands do not have vesicles but accumulate a secretory product in their cytosol. The mature secretory cells rupture to release the secretory product. This results in the presence of large amounts of lipids from the plasma membrane and intracellular membranes in secretions of these glands. One example of a holocrine gland is an oil-producing gland of the skin.