1. It would probably be a better world however there is no guarantee of it
2. I assume not me specifically but all of us in general, though it's only my opinion
1. I say this because despite whether every person in the world has a choice to education or not it is difficult to assume that people would take the opportunity without question.
2. I don't exactly have an explanation for this question as it's only my opinion, sorry.
D. interjection.
An interjection is a word used to state emotion, whether scared, angry, or excited, and is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence.
Maladaptive behaviors are actions taken by individuals that don't allow them to become accustomed to certain circumstances.
Maybe we can't stop them but from building on our nature preserve but we can work together to make the costruction environmentally responsible but most people will oppose but it was side by one wise man if you can't beat them join them and since it was said unity is strength it will be better to join them than cause chaos because through resisting and all that people may be hurt and maybe for them they have a good will but you judge them so quickly and by resisting you loose good chances but many will ask why not put up a fight?the answer will be.....think hard of the advantages