I agree in this song because being a farmer is not easy you need to be hardwork
A block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the principal parts or functions are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks. They are heavily used in engineering in hardware design, electronic design, software design, and process flow diagrams.
In your question you asked architure but maybe it is architecture (•;
an actuator is a device that uses a form of power to convert a control signal into mechanical motion
The VI in LabView indicates c-Virtual Instrument
The VI in LabView is a program-subroutine. The VI stands for Virtual Instrument. The VI is composed of a Block diagram, Connector panel and a Front Panel.
cell address is the exact location of a particular cell of ms-excle
A1 refers to first row and first column.
A2 refers to second row first column.
in 'A1' : 'A' indicate column { A= first column, B= second
column, C= third column. and soon.....}
'1' indicate row { 1 = first row, 2 = second row, 3= third row..... soon .......}