The Constitution gives three eligibility requirements to be president: one must be 35 years of age, a resident"within the United States" for 14 years, and a "natural born Citizen," a term not defined in the Constitution.
There was absolute monarchy reigning in France in the XVIII century. The power was concentrated in hands of the First and Second Estate, while the Third Estate did not have enough influence to participate in governing the country. Such a situation led to the discontent of middle, lower and working class that wanted to be heard. Consequently, the French Revolution of 1789-1799 pursued the following goals: reaching justice and equality in society, limiting power of the monarchy and aristocracy, extending influence of the lower class, creating a constitution. Not all the goals were achieved but there was a great success on the way to reaching them.
King Louis XVI was forced to provide the Third Estate with power and influence by the storm of Bastille. Bastille is the largest and the most famous French prison, which had been a symbol of suppression of lower classes for ages. A group of commoners dared storm the prison on 14th of July in 1789. This event provided the Third Estate with more power.
However, freedom and equality were not reached. The Third Estate developed and introduced the Civil Constitution, which appeared quite radical, providing the lower class with rights and freedom and limiting influence of monarchy and aristocracy. This means that the French Revolution succeeded in getting rights and relative freedom for the lower class but it did not reach the whole goal. For example, freedom for slavery in French colonies led to a disaster because slaves did not know what to do when they got this freedom.
Despite of all the achievements, the French Revolution gradually failed. The Third Estate, which was named the National Assembly, tried to protect the ideas of revolution and to save own power by pursuing people, who criticized the revolt, sentencing them to prisons and to death. This led to mistrust and disappointment of the lower class. To sum up, the French Revolution was not successful at reaching all the goals but it was a great step to creating a democratic society, which influenced history of the whole humanity.
Deep ecology, an ecological and environmental philosophy was developed in 1973 by a philosopher and mountaineer from Norway called Arne Naess. Arne created the deep ecology concept which he said, was from “deep experience, deep questioning and deep commitment”.
Some of the points in the eight organizing principles of deep ecology looked at the idea of human and nonhuman beings on earth, having interdependent values in themselves and also the importance of the ecosystem and natural processes
the protection of land rights
improved access to education
fair wages for migrant farm workers
The capital when George Washington was president was New York City