The Sonnet use rhyme scheme of abab, cdcd, efef,gg. It is believed Shakespeare addressed this sonnet to a younger lover. I believe the theme is We love something we know is going to be gone soon more than we love it in it's peak. It's the perceptive of someone that love something that he's sure gonna be eventually gone/ taken away form him.
A is the answer. They use this to reason with one person.
The Appalachian Trail consists of 2,168 miles of
breathtakingly beautiful country. It extends from the top of Mt.
Katahdin in Main to the top of Springer Mountain in Georgia. The Trail passes
through New Hampshire’s White Mountains and Vermont’s Green Mountains,
the Berkshires, Catskills, and Poconos. Towards the southern end are
the Appalachian Mountains, the Shenandoah Valley, and the Great
Smokies. Hiking through these mountain ranges is
very challenging. In fact, some say “brutal.” To
date, most people have taken about six months to hike the entire
Trail—if they have succeeded
The words that are written in bold, italic and underlined
are the action words in the selection. Verbs
are used to express actions, state or occurrence. In this selection, we have helping verbs,
linking verbs and main verbs. This is to help express a complete thought in
sentences, phrases and paragraphs and bigger groups of sentences.