of worms can survive living near underwater valcano vents then life can thrive in hot evoroments because worms are indicators of life
In animals and plants, there are two pairs of chromosomes - one set from a male and the other set from a female. But occasionally, the original fertilized cell doesn't quite divide correctly and more than two sets arises. The fertilized cell continues to divide with the result that all the cells have the extra set of chromosomes. This happens much oftener in plants and the plant will be sterile and can't form seeds.
The hypothalamus is involved in different daily activities like eating or drinking, in the control of the body's temperature and energy maintenance, and in the process of memorizing and in stress control. It also modulates the endocrine system through its connections with the pituitary gland.
Humans can be attacked by many microbes like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites like flatworms, etc. These parasites and microbes cause different infections and diseases in humans.
This is true to most other species that they also face a similar array of parasite because every species represents a source which can be exploited by an array of parasites. Each parasite attacks on specific organs or tissue which allow different parasite to attack different organs. Therefore it is reasonable.