This disorder is called PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
PTSD is a condition that may last a few months or even years, with triggers that may bring forth memories of the trauma accompliced with powerful physical and emotional tics. Symptoms of PTSD can include nightmares or stressful, unwanted and uncontrollable memories of the scene. Certain treatment options can include different types of trauma-focused psychotherapy and special medications to manage PTSD symptoms. PTSD is usually associated with war veterans and murder witnesses.
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The heart failure that would result from this would be right heart failure. This failure would only affect the right part of the heart where it does not pump blood onto the lungs as do when it is in normal state. Common cause would be high blood pressure present in the pulmonary arteries which would increase the work of the right ventricle.
True stress can cause one to eat more than usual or may have the opposite effect and cause one to not eat.
The correct answers is A PATIENT'S NAME AND BIRTH DATE.
The general section of a medical record is dedicated to the bio data of patients, data such as name, birth date, occupation, residential address, next of kin, telephone numbers and other similar information.
Fill half their plate with fruits and vegetables