In code if you want your character to turn left you put "left" in your code and if you want your character to go right type "right" and so on and so on so your answer is tina.left(90)
# the dog dataframe has been loaded as mpr
# select the dogs where Age is greater than 2
greater_than_2 = mpr [mpr. age > 2]
# select the dogs whose status is equal to 'still missing'
still_missing = mpr[mpr. status == 'Still Missing']
# select all dogs whose dog breed is not equal to Poodle
not_poodle = mpr [mpr.breed != 'Poodle']
The pandas dataframe is a tabular data structure that holds data in rows and columns like a spreadsheet. It is used for statistical data analysis and visualization.
The three program statements above use python conditional statements and operators to retrieve rows matching a given value or condition.
Advantages of Internet:
1. Easy and fast access to information2. Up to date news information3. Communications made over internet connecting people around the world4. Convenience in doing like research where you can now do it at home instead of visiting libraries.
Disadvantages of Internet:
1. Possible theft of personal information2. Internet addiction which leads to social isolation3. Inappropriate Contents
File system is simply a management system for files that controls how and where data are stored, where they can be located and how data can be accessed. It deals with data storage and retrieval.
Examples of file system are NTFS, FAT(e.g FAT 16 and FAT 32), ReFS.
ReFS, which stands for Resilient File System, is designed primarily to enhance scalability by allowing for the storage of extremely large amounts of data and efficiently manage the availability of the data. It is called "resilient" because it ensures the integrity of data by offering resilience to data corruption. It does not support transaction, encryption, file based compression, page file and disk quotas, to mention a few.
<span>The answer is, "Load anti-virus software".
</span>Anti-virus softwares are used to prevent computer from virus, as it name shows that are anti-virus means they prevent from virus. Anti virus softwares are also known as anti-malware software. These software work in such a way that they <span>prevent, detect and then remove viruses or </span><span>malicious software.</span>