When you buy expensive items with a loan, you often need to make a down payment to cover a portion of the purchase price. That initial payment is often critical for getting approved, and it can affect your borrowing costs throughout the life of your loan. As a result, it’s wise to understand how down payments work so you can choose the right down payment amount.
So, we know that a^2 + b^2 = c^2. Right? That is called the Pythagorean Theorem.
In this case. We can say that 39 is a, 40 is b, and x is c.
NOTE: It doesn't really matter whether 39 is a or b. a & b are just the two legs of the right triangle.
So, if we say that 39 is a, 40 is b, and x is c. We can plug it into the Pythagorean Theorem.
39^2 + 40^2 = x^2
I'll let you take it from there.
The y axis for dependent variables and x axis for independent
(x+3, y+2)
Step-by-step explanation:
choose a letter: let's use points A and A'
A: (-3, 3)
A': (0, 5)
the rule would be (x+3, y+2) because (-3+3, 3+2) = (0,5)
Try it on another point:
B: (-4, 0)
B': (-4+3, 0+2) = (-1, 2) which checks out!