Both A and B are correct.
Variance analysis help the business to identify the deviation from their budgeted expenditures. The budget cost or volume is analyzed against the actual expenditure or production volume. Variance can be favorable or unfavorable. An unfavorable material price variance will increase the cost of finished goods.
Rawls' Theory of Justice.
Rawls argues that self-interested rational persons behind the veil of ignorance would choose two general principles of justice to structure society in the real world: 1) Principle of Equal Liberty: Each person has an equal right to the most extensive liberties compatible with similar liberties for all.
The answer is a definite NO. No one should EVER cash in their 401(k) to pay off debt. You will never be able to recover from the loss of compounding interest if you take out money from your retirement account. This money should be saved for retirement or EXTREME emergencies.
Im this case, Austin should take the amount of his raise and use that to start paying down his debt FASTER.
Answer: b.the principles of management are much the same at large and small firms.
Quinn will find that Management Principles do not discriminate against different sizes of firms and that the principles that work in one size can work across ALL sizes.
She will find that the same Principles that helped her in her big NGO will help her JUST AS WELL in this small but pioneering business.
when sales revenue exceed costs