percentages are used like fractions and decimals, as ways to describe parts of a whole. For example, discounts in shops, bank interest rates, rates of inflation and many statistics in the media are expressed as percentages. Percentages are important for understanding the financial aspects of everyday life. When you are using percentages, the whole is considered to be made up of a hundred equal parts. The symbol % is used to show that a number is a percentage, and less commonly the abbreviation 'pct' may be used.
Steps to solve:
(5 - 3)^3 + (-3)^2(6 - 3)
2^3 + (-3)^2(3)
2^3 + (-3)^6
~Solve exponents
8 + (-729)
Best of Luck!
Step-by-step explanation:
we have that the distance from the edge of the cliff to the lake is 48 feet, and when the stone is thrown into the lake it collides with the water 5 feet from the base of the cliff so you must find the distance that the stone travels from the edge of the sewer up to 5 feet beyond its base (hypotenuse) and then the angle that forms it (slope)
Hypotenuse (c)
Slope ∅
Sin∅ = 5ft/48.25ft = 0.1036
∅=arcsin(0.1036) ≅ 5.9°, but how should we round to the nearest integer
, then:
Answer: neither
Step-by-step explanation: if you plug in 2 and 4 for x and y it does not equal 8
16 days
Divide 128oz(starting point) by 8(how many you feed everyday)
An equation would look something like this:
x = 128/8