C.Stimulation of thoracic or lumbar spinal regions,chain ganglion,acetylcholine release
The liver receives the oxygen and nutrients it needs in blood that comes from two large blood vessels:
Portal vein.
Hepatic artery.
The liver is connected to two large blood vessels, the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The hepatic artery carries blood from the aorta to the liver, whereas the portal vein carries blood containing the digested nutrients from the entire gastrointestinal tract, and also from the spleen and pancreas to the liver.
Hello There!
The question you asked is how is the male reproductive system different from other body systems?
The answer is "It isn’t necessary to vital signs."
unlike other body systems, the male reproductive system is not essential for the life of a living organism.
Lactose because it is a sugar made up of galactose and glucose.