B. Undernutrition
The reason why A. malnutrition is not correct is that malnutrition arises from lacking a few or one specific nutrient in your body.
Undernutrition arises because of inadequate intake of dietary energy regardless of specific nutrients.
While we use malnutrition in day to day use as an umbrella term for inadequate diets that is not the real meaning of that word.
Personal care and services workers.
Human services workers are employed to help people with challenges, improve their lives. They can help the disabled, mentally ill people, children living in troubled homes, elderly people, etc., to have a better life. After training, some can work as personal care workers, pre-school teachers, etc.
Providing personalized services require a great deal of care and vigilance. Therefore, personal care and services workers should have a great sense of visual style in order to carry out their tasks.
C goods cuz those e the things that ppl want
Types of maps include reference maps and thematic maps.
Types of spatial patterns represented on maps include absolute and relative distance and direction, clustering, dispersal, and elevation.
Classes that have a lot of work and homework and yeah they are hell