The answer is Barchanoid Dunes.
Best of luck,
The Artemis Wolf
The answer is A. Man-made
Across 5: predation
across 6 hominid
down 3 : Distribution
down 9 : glaciations
Sickle cell anemia is a genetic condition that distorts the shape of the hemoglobin. This reduces the capacity of the red blood cells to carry oxygen. Another effect is that the distorted red blood cells come together forming a heavy and compact collection of cells that can block the flow of blood. The sedimentation rate is increased by sickle cell anemia.
Chronic jetlag can cause cognitive deficits that can be permanent. This happens because the normal circadian rhythm of the body is disrupted. The endogenous system of circadian timing in the body adapts slowly. This disturbance can impair the physical and psychological health of the person.